Thursday, August 20, 2009

8-20-2009 Worry

I realized last night that we have a hornet's nest nearby. Good Lord - those things are HUGE!

They got really pissed off last night while I was grilling dinner. Almost didn't get dinner off the grill.

I am worried:
  • That I will get stung.
  • That Vol Fan will get stung.
  • That one of the girls will get stung.
  • That Dixie will get stung.
  • That I won't be able to find the nest.
  • That I will find the nest.
  • That Vol Fan won't want to pay for an expert to remove the nest. And he will try to remove it and will get swarmed and end up in the hospital.
  • Or he will have an allergic reaction and die.
  • That the hornets will get inside my house.


  1. Yep that would worry me too... all of the above. I'm with Mama, call Terminex!

  2. This is a big issue. But is it ok, that reading this made me smile? I would be thinking ALL the same things!!!

  3. well now that you've voiced that worry can you let it go a bit? after all ANY of those things COULD happen. but what's the likelihood of them all or even one or two happening. pretty slim i suppose. if you get stung it will hurt. but then you will get over it. if the girls or vol-fan get stung, same thing.
    and so on.
    hopefully sharing your worries will help.
    we're here to listen:-)

  4. Run, baby, run! Get a professional exterminator!

  5. What a great idea!!!! I'm really proud of you for taking action to work on this. Hope you get rid of the hornets. Hugs, Lori

  6. Call your local extention service- they may come and get the hive or know someone who will. Some colleges will come and remove them so they can study them. Also you can try the game warden.

    See no need to worry. Until help arrives get one of those bee keepers suits to wear while grilling. It will make great blog fodder.

  7. Everytime we've found a nest of hornets my husband waits until the winter when they go dormant then sprays stuff in it. Only because he's too cheap to hire someone to take care of it. We've never been stung. They do get mad this time of year as their food gets harder to find. I'd say if it bothers you call an exterminator.
